Unity PD

To get started with Unity, you will need a free Unity account:

After you have your account, now you can use the tutorials on the Unity Learn platform. To get started, we will first complete the "Getting Started" tutorials:

Once you are on the tutorial page, here are your first tasks:

  1. Click Start here and follow the steps on the next page. This will help you to download and install Unity Hub and Unity (You should install 2020.3.3.f1(LTS))

Once you have Unity Hub and Unity installed, Continue on to the Beginner In-Editor Tutorials.

Follow the 5 steps on this page, and you are now hopefully familiar with Unity.

If you have time and feeling adventurous, you can move on to the next Module: Creative Mods and play around a bit more.

If not, we will continue our lessons in Udemy. Stay Tuned.

Following the Getting Started Unit, we will start creating our first game. Below you will find the videos that cover your first game's building process.

** please download the relevant file from the folder below.

Please download the WM2000 Package.unitypackage file to get started.